Cool stuff from Intuit – QuickBooks Mobile
Intuit – The market leader in providing business and financial solutions for small and medium enterprises by offering innovative products in business management, payroll, personal finance, tax preparation and filing. Intuit help consumers get more benefits by saving their time and providing facilities for smooth operation of their accounts with banks and other financial transactions.
Google Offline Maps: You Won’t Be Lost Even If You Are Offline (Even If You Are A Woman)
Google Maps are already best viewed on Android platform is a known fact. As a pleasant additional boon, google now offers maps to be downloaded and viewed offline. As far as I used, I came to know a few things (in fact advantages) about these offline maps.
RIM Bombs While Android And Apple Boom
While Apple has 3 million more users added to its existing 17 million users (in U.S) RIM has lost 1 million thus falling down from 19 million to 18. While Android with nearly 30 million users is in possession of the throne currently, other companies like Microsoft and Palm too have lost about 0.8 and 0.1 million users respectively.
Google+ Hails Android: Have You Got One?
In a week Google+ is the buzzword all over the webosphere. All the credits go to the promotions and the hype. We can neither underrate nor overrate this Google+, but one thing is obvious Google+ is will surely not join the Google flop list (Orkut, Wave, Buzz). I can hear you guys saying “enough of praising Google+”.
Market App Refurbishes Androids
The new Market App is obliging to both the users as well as the developers. Yup, the Market App is interesting and engaging to the users as it showcases top Apps and Games along with shortcuts for purchasing them. On the flip side, developers are glad that this App is their top grossing venture since it improves the probability of users downloading the Apps.