Google Now can now act as your personal task list manager as Google has silently rolled out an “occasionally” option in the reminders. There are some tasks for which you cannot set a specific time or date to be reminded about, but those tasks need to be reminded or followed up on a regular basis. For such tasks you could now use Google Now’s occasional reminder feature.
It is not clear how frequent someone will be reminded when a task is set to be reminded occasionally in Google Now. But it seems to work really well for tasks for which you are not really on top of them. For instance if regular household like vacuuming is something that you consistently forget, you could get some help from Google Now. Set it as a reminder with “occasional” frequency and you should be good to go.
It is not clear when Google rolled out this option but now “Occasionally” appears as an additional option to “Today”, “Tomorrow” and “Set Date”; whenever you type something like “remind me about…” you get these options pop up. As it seems “occasionally” will nag you without being too annoying, and at the same time reminding you about that task occasionally on a regular basis until you are done with it.
This feature should be available to all Google Now users already (while you are reading this). Google could improve this feature further and even add additional options to make the reminder service more efficient and who knows, may be Google Now will replace your to-do list manager someday!
Em.. That great news from Google.. Thankz for the news.. 🙂
Perfect news by google