Getting the latest news and up-to-date feeds on various topics is the need of many. Which is why, many smartphone users prefer to install news app which can allow them to follow latest happenings in the topic of interest. If you are planning to develop an Android news app for users or for personal use, then we have selected the right kind of news app templates below. Using these ready-made android applications with source code can help you save lot of money and time in creating your own news app.
The Android News app templates come with the entire source code along with design assets and other project files. You will also find instruction on how to edit the application details and add your own news feed. Many of these apps don’t even require you to understand how to code. You can simply plug-in RSS or Atom feeds of news sites and they will be able to pull the news and show it in news format. It is easy to get your android news app in Play Store using any of the templates below. Just take a pick and get started:
Android News App Template
This Android News App template is built on the latest Android development platform and offers the latest material design user interface. It comes with a powerful admin panel that can be used to easily manage news category, news item, app profile information etc. Full documentation is included to help you customize and build this template into your own news app.
News Hour – Flutter News App with Admin Panel
News Hour is a complete news app with an admin panel that is developed on the Flutter framework developed by Google. It works on both Android & iOS. It has all the common and special features that a typical news app has. It features both an impressive UX design and smooth performance on both iOS and Android devices to make this app user-friendly. If you are looking for a news or blog app for both iOS and Android, News Hour could be the best option for you.
My News – Multipurpose Application
My News is a multipurpose application template that can be used to display news, personal blog feeds or portfolio. You can restrict the content to be available only for registered users. Registered users have abilities to make comments, like, edit personal profile, receive notifications of replies to comments etc. Comments system allows users to communicate with each other and discuss your entries. The application is built in Android Studio. The server-side backend of the app is built with PHP and MySQL database.
All in One News App
“All in one news app” makes it easy to read news, watch live TV, photos, videos & more. Built with the latest material design UI, it has app login as well as social (Facebook, Google) login implemented for supporting user accounts. The app support filtering news based on categories as well as displaying weather information. Adding comment on news and sharing the news article is also supported within the app. You get full source code for the app, admin panel as well as PSD files with this template.
The Ultimate News App Template
This ultimate news app template is ideal for building apps for magazine, blog and news portals. Created in Android Studio, this app enables you to create your own News App complete with headlines, breaking news labels, topics (categories), deep link sharing, search, Facebook comments, scheduled articles, Admob Ads, Push Notifications, RTL Support, In-App purchase, Rich Text support, video and image support and much more. Doing customization of the app and setting up of the Admin Page is explained in video tutorials and online documentation.
News Application with Material Design
Create a user friendly and nice looking Android News Application with this app template. The application is specially optimized to be extremely easy to configure and detailed documentation is provided along with PSD design files.
New News Android App with Notification
This News Android App is a news system that runs on the Android platform equipped with advanced features. It consists of two parts; application and admin panel. The Admin panel contains category manager, news manager, user manager, notification manager, devices and saved news, stats for saved news and settings. In addition, while adding news, a notification can be sent about the news that has been added to all devices using the app. Notifications can be sent to the devices individually or all devices from the notification manager.
Multipurpose News App Template UI Ionic 3
This multipurpose News app template is designed with a strong sense of modern UI concepts. The application has been created with open-source hybrid mobile app development framework Ionic-framework. The template app is highly customizable and is user and developer friendly. By using this app you can easily make any large scale News or Magazine App.
IonNewsApp Full News App and Managment System
IonNews app is a news app template built with Ionic 3. You can use it for News, Blog or any catalog management. It is built with Angular 5, Ionic 3, Typescript and SASS to take advantage of the future web standards.
FireNews – Iconic and Firebase News App Template
Firenews is a fully functional news application built with Ionic Framework and Firebase database. The admin panel of this app is built with Angular 5 and Angular Material. If you are looking for newspaper, media, magazine, publishing, personal blog, business and any kind of application then FireNews can be your choice.
Feedews – Android Universal RSS News App Template
Feedews is a native Android Studio project which is super easy to customize. This is an RSS feed reader to get all news in one place, there are several Categories and you can share articles to social networks and email by opening links to your device’s internet browser and use the share function. All RSS links are stored in strings.xml file and the user guide included in the package shows how to edit them.
YouNews – Android Universal News App Template
YouNews is a Universal App Template where you – as the Admin of the app – can easily add and edit news via the Parse Dashboard hosted on or free CMS panel for Parse apps and have them displayed right away in the app:
That’s it, this is our top picks for Android pre-built news app templates. If you were looking for any other requirements that were not covered with our list above then do let us know in comments. Also don’t forget to check out these handy list of Android apps and game templates we have compiled: