The Five Step Guide To Buying A Digital Camera

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4 min read

Buying A Digital Camera

Digital cameras are now manufactured keeping in mind of the different types of shooters. Some of shooters prefer daylight, while others go for the night vision. So, when it comes to buying a digital camera, there are a variety of cameras that could fit your choice.

Sometimes it can be a fully fledged DLSR or it can be a compact camera that has interchangeable lens. This post will help you in making a good decision before you spend your hard earned money on it.

Ask yourself before buying a digital camera

Ask yourself some questions like these when you are going to buy a digital camera:

  • How much you are experienced with the camera,
  • What type of photography you will be doing,
  • Are you going to learn about the art of photography or you are just looking for cameras with some specific features.

However, a sales person will ask you these questions in the store, so make sure that you have answers for them as they can help you in landing the right type of camera for you.

You should know that “Mega Pixels” in a camera are not everything. You can choose a camera with a good mega pixel rating only in case when you are going to make a print of your photo copy, else it is a waste of your time in exploring the mega pixel feature of the camera as these days cameras come with a range of minimum 5 to 7 Mega pixels.

The Extras

Some retailers will include the camera case, the spare batteries, recharger, lenses (in case if your choice is a DSLR), external flashes, tripods and other extra stuffs when you are purchasing a camera.

While some of the stores can give you these stuffs with the discount rate, it is good to take a look at what you need along with your camera. So always keep in mind of those “Extras” as they don’t come for free every time.

Point and shoot or DSLR

These days SLR`s are getting more affordable and buying one of them is not a big deal. You have to take care of the camera. In my opinion, DSLRs are heavy, big and it takes a lot of effort to keep it clean in case you change the lenses more frequently.

Though there are some advantages with the DLSR`s, the market for point and shoot is also in the rise. So, it is up to you to decide whether to buy a point and shoot or a DSLR.

Review before buying a digital camera

Once you choose the digital camera, make sure you read a review of it before you intend to buy it. Not relying upon the sales person and having a small research on it can help you a lot.

However, I would recommend looking in to the optical Zoom factor before you buy a camera, as it doesn’t simply enlarge your pictures but also makes it “noisier”

Read a magazine or a blog before you choose the right camera. There are some great free tips from professional photographers that are available in their blog and it can help you for sure.

Negotiate after Hands on experience

Once you chose the camera, try to get hands on experience on it. I usually try this in the stores asking the sales person to allow me for a click so that I can see them going live in the flash.

And before you head to the store, make sure you do a little pricing research online so that you can negotiate with the local stores person. You can even negotiate from home with a call to the store and when you feel that the price is right you can get the camera.

Also don’t forget to ask for your free or discounted bonuses. These steps have personally helped me in fetching a good camera. But I’m sure others do may add some tips over here. Please feel free to add your comments here.

TBO Editorial

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