How to Make Your Wi-Fi Router More Secure

How to Make Your Wi-Fi Router More Secure

If hackers are able to break into your router and change the settings and configuration, then it doesn’t bode well for you. If a hacker has control of the DNS servers that your wi-fi router uses, then it paves the way for some very dirty feeds. Here is how you make your router more secure.

Change your wi-fi router password from the default factory setting

Many people do not do this because they see no point. The factory set password is pretty long and complex, and changing it is a hassle. But, the factory password has had more exposure than one you create yourself.

People may have seen your password in the factory, as it was delivered to you, and the files containing your password may have been hacked.

The cracker may have gained access to the software that creates the passwords and may now be trying brute force attacks.

Turn off SSID broadcast

If you are broadcasting your SSID, then you are making it easy to connect new wireless devices onto your network. This is not a bad thing, especially if you have other people in the house that want to use your Wi-Fi, but it also means that people in your local area know about your Wi-Fi.

People that are able to crack Wi-Fi router passwords are going to be able to gain access and use your internet for free. If you know your own SSID, then you do not need to advertise it.

Use WPA and do not use WEP

Many continue to use WEP over WPA, but WPA is better for encrypting your wireless network. Unlike WEP, you will not have to choose between HEX and ASCII, plus the encryption keys need not conform to specific lengths.

Change your administrative password

Change the default SSID name as well as the password. Ditch whatever defaults there were for passwords and usernames that were set into your system and come up with your own.

Reduce Wireless Power

Some wi-fi routers support having less power, especially ones made for offices within larger buildings.

Ideally, if you are running your internet in an office that is surrounded by other offices, then you should be using a broadband connection because the chances of other Wi-Fi connections interfering with yours is rather high if you are not using fibre broadband.

If your router allows it, then turn down the radio’s power settings and try to keep your Wi-Fi signal within the confines of your office or home.

Reduce your use of DHCP

The DHCP’s automatic allocation of IP addresses is very convenient if you have a lot of systems you need to manage, but you have to remember that DHCP will issue an IP address to anything, which means it may issue an IP address to devices you do not control.

If you turn off DHCP, then it will make it more difficult for unauthorised users to gain a valid IP address for your network. You may also reduce the side of your address pool to the number of devices you have/control to help stop wireless trespassers from getting them.

2 thoughts on “How to Make Your Wi-Fi Router More Secure”

  1. Security is very important factor to keep your data safe and also your online account transactions. Your tips are quite helpful. Using WPA is always a good choice.

  2. For me it doesnot make any sense 😛 Everyone came into my house and asks for my wifi password.. and I cant say no :/ hahahahah


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